About Us

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About the AIIA


The Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) is an independent, non-profit organisation promoting interest in and understanding of international affairs in Australia.

It provides a forum for discussion and debate, but does not seek to formulate its own institutional views. The institute arranges programs of lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences and other discussions, and sponsors research and publications. The AIIA was formed in 1924 and established as a federal body in 1933 and is the only nationwide organisation of its kind in Australia. It is financed by members’ contributions, a small government subvention and tax deductible donations from individuals and businesses.

The AIIA consists of a number of independent branches, which are located in seven Australian states and territories, and a National Office in Canberra. Read about the AIIA’s organisational structure. In addition, close contact is maintained with the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, and with sister institutes and similarly minded organisations around the world.

The AIIA provides a wide range of opportunities for the dissemination of information and free expression of views on these matters through discussion and publication. Precluded by its constitution from expressing any opinion of its own on international affairs, the AIIA provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of a wide range of views. Through the National Office and branches, the AIIA achieves its mission of promoting interest in and understanding of international affairs, including politics, economics and international law, in four ways:

Providing a forum for debate

The AIIA provides a forum for debate by arranging lectures, seminars and workshops for its members. These range from intimate discussions to large lectures. More than 150 events are held across the country each year.

Disseminating ideas

Throughout its history the AIIA has been involved in the key debates of international relations through its publications. The AIIA currently publishes the Australian Journal of International Affairs, the Australia in World Affairs series and occasional papers.

Educating on International Issues

The AIIA also works to educate the community on international issues. One of the key areas of focus is on youth, including schools program, careers fairs, internships and young professionals networks around the country.


The AIIA seeks to collaborate with its sister institutes and other organisations in Australia and overseas. By maintaining close relationship the AIIA can assure an international view on current affairs, expand its knowledge and project Australia’s international image.

During its history the AIIA has been honoured by the involvement of many distinguished figures including: Former Prime Minister Sir Robert Menzies, Former Chief Justices Sir Garfield Barwick, Sir John Latham and Sir Owen Dixon, Former Governor General Lord Casey, and distinguished Australians Sir Ian Clunies Ross, Sir Richard Boyer, Sir Russel Madigan and E.C. Dyason. His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd), the Governor-General of Australia, is the AIIA’s Honorary Visitor.

In 2008, the AIIA launched a Fellows Award to recognise individuals who have achieved a very high level of distinction in and made a distinguished contribution to Australia’s international affairs.

In 2015, the AIIA received a four-star rating (‘broadly transparent’) in Transparify’s 2015 report on the financial transparency of think tanks, making it the only think tank in Australia and New Zealand rated as transparent.

Annual Review

Download the Annual Review 2018-19 (2.70MB) or View View Online Version

Download the Annual Review 2017-18 (4.0MB) or View Online Version

Download the Annual Review 2016-17 (7.4MB) or View Online Version

Download the Annual Review 2015-16 (7.4MB) or View Online Version

Download the Annual Review 2014-2015 (5.5MB) or View Online Version

Download the Annual Review 2013-2014 (8MB) or View Online Version

Download the Annual Review 2012-2013 (1.32MB) or View Online Version

Download the Annual Review 2011-2012 (1.13MB)

Download the Annual Review 2010-2011 (1.28MB)

Download the Annual Review for 2009-2010 (2.63MB)

Download the Annual Review for 2008-2009 (1.05MB)

Download the Annual Review for 2007-2008 (786.32KB)

Download the Annual Review for 2006-2007 (2.24MB) ACNC-Registered-Charity-Logo_RGB

AIIA’s Audited Accounts

Our full edited financial accounts for 2018-19 are available here.

In 2018-19 the AIIA received the following specific purpose project funding and sponsorship:

Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade $113,300 2018 National Conference, youth initiatives, website, publications, international collaborations and international dialogues
European Union $99,374 EU Australia Leadership Forum
Australian National University (ANU) $80,000 ANU Rules-based International Order Conference
Korea Foundation $63,127 Australia Korea dialogue
Euan Crone Foundation $11,705 Euan Crone scholarship
University of Melbourne $9,900 2018 National Conference
ANU Coral Bell $6,600 2018 National Conference
Department of Home Affairs $6,600 2018 National Conference
Monash University $6,600 2018 National Conference
University of New South Wales (UNSW) Canberra $6,600 2018 National Conference
Consulate-General of Japan, Perth $14,947 Japan Perth Symposium
Routledge Taylor & Francis Australia $5,000 2018 National Conference, Editorial Board Meeting for the AJIA
Embassy of the Republic of Poland, Canberra $2,340 International Dialogue
Attorney Generals Department $1,500 2018 National Conference
Department of Defence $1,500 2018 National Conference


Other non-project income included: $195,779 in individual donations (not tied to specific projects, a list of individual donors is included in the AIIA Annual Review), $166,180 in editorial fees and royalties for the Australian Journal of International Affairs and other publications, $25,472 in other services including seminars and workshops, $75,092 in interest and investment earnings.

Funding information and audited financial accounts for previous years can be found below:










The AIIA seeks students from Australia and throughout the world who are interested in completing a voluntary internship. Regular internships are currently offered in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra (National Office). Places may also be available in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra (ACT Branch) and Hobart depending on Branch needs.

Interns will work at the AIIA’s National Office in Canberra or at one of the AIIA’s seven State and Territory offices. A customized program will be designed for each intern according to the intern’s learning and career development needs that can include a mix of training and practical experience in research projects, events, communications and office management.

The AIIA is happy to offer motivated students internships in international affairs. Details of which can be found on the internship page.

Environmental Policy


The Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) accepts that it must, in conducting its activities, work to preserve the environmental sustainability of the planet.

The AIIA aspires to minimise its impact on our environment and maximise the efficient and effective use of ressources. We strive to achieve this by continuously reviewing and updating our practices so that we minimise, mitigate, or where possible eliminate the adverse impact our activities have on the environment. We undertake to give effect to this policy by raising awareness and fostering responsible environmental behaviour amongst staff, volunteers, and users at all levels.


This Environmental policy is intended to provide a framework to bring together the different accountability involved in different areas of environmental responsibility, and to clarify the content of these responsibilities in each area. It aims to integrate a philosophy of sustainable development into all the organisation’s activities and to establish and promote sound environmental practice in our operations.


The AIIA commits itself to minimising its impact on our environment through

  • Providing a safe and healthy workplace
  • Creating an environmentally aware culture where responsibility is assigned and understood
  • Being an envronmentally responsible neighbour in our community
  • Conserving natural resources by reusing and recycling
  • Using in our own operations processes that do not adversely affect the environment
  • Ensuring the responsible use of energy throughout the organisation
  • Paticipating in efforts to improve environmental protection and understanding
  • Striving to improve our environmental performance continually
  • Working with suppliers who promote sound environmental practice
  • Enhancing awareness among our employees, volunteers, and users – educating and motivating them to act in an environmentally responsible manner


  1. The AIIA will act promptly and responsibly to correct incidents or conditions that endanger health, safety, or the environment. It will report any such incidents to the relevant authorities promptly and inform affected parties as appropriate.
  2. The AIIA will, where feasible, reuse and recycle materials, purchase recycled materials, and use recyclable packaging and other materials.
  3. The AIIA will in its operations minimise materials and energy use,prevent air, water, and other pollution, and dispose of waste safely and responsibly.
  4. The AIIA will in its operations conserve energy by improving energy efficiency and giving preference to renewable over non-renewable energy sources when feasible.
  5. The AIIA will contribute to the maintenance and increase of biodiversity through its management of its landholdings.
  6. The AIIA will maintain an open and honest dialogue with staff, volunteers, stakeholders, and the public about the environmental, health and safety performance of our operations and services.
  7. The AIIA will ensure that every employee and every volunteer is informed of and expected to follow this policy and to report any environmeal, health, or safety concern to management so that prompt action may be taken.
  8. The AIIA will include in its criteria for selection of suppliers, goods and services their environmental performance.