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Friends of the AIIA

bequesters and donors

The Australian Institute of International Affairs owes an enormous debt of gratitude to the men and women who show their support through donations and bequests. Their generosity and forethought is vital for the continued growth and sustainability of the AIIA as an important voice in the promotion of knowledge and understanding of international affairs.

As part of its 75th Anniversary celebrations, the AIIA launched a Friends of the AIIA society under the patronage of National Vice-President Zara Kimpton OAM dedicated to recognising and honouring those individuals who have made an outstanding financial contribution to the organisation. If you donate $500 or more, or indicate your intention to leave a bequest to the AIIA, you will be recognised as a Friend of the AIIA in the Annual Review and at AIIA events during the year of your donation. If you have made cumulative contributions of more than $5000 you will be honoured as a Lifetime Friend of the AIIA.

Your contribution, whether modest or substantial, will enable the AIIA to continue to grow. Donations to the AIIA are tax deductible.

You can support a number of existing state or national initiatives such as bursaries, internships and awards – or can fund new projects in a specific interest areas of your choice. General donations are allocated to the area of greatest need to support the AIIA’s work.

Click here to donate online as follows:

Suggested Wording for Bequests

Should you choose to leave a bequest to the Australian Institute of International Affairs; the following wording will assist you. Please remember that it is intended as a guide only. The Australian Institute of International Affairs strongly advises the donor to obtain legal advice when considering the inclusion of a bequest in their will.

“I, [insert full name], give to the Australian Institute of International Affairs (ABN 34 000 045 170) the following: The sum of [amount in words AND $ amount in figures] OR …………% of my total estate. And I declare that the receipt of the Australian Institute of International Affairs be accepted as sufficient discharge for the same. “

If you wish your bequest to be targeted towards a specific area, it is recommended that you include wording such as the following:

“I prefer that these funds be applied towards the following purpose: [add preferred purpose]. If it becomes impracticable for the Australian Institute of International Affairs to continue to direct funds for this purpose, the Institute may apply these funds in other associated areas.”

Please contact us to let us know of your bequest so we can recognise and honour your contribution. The AIIA National Executive Director would be delighted to hear from you with any queries on ceo@ or (02) 6282 2133.