Turkish Embassy Present: Sufi Music Ensemble and Whirling Dervishes
The Turkish Embassy presents Turkish Sufi Music and Sema Ceremony at the Australian National University.
The Sema ceremony represents the human being’s spiritual journey, an ascent by means of intelligence and love to Perfection (Kemal). Turning toward the truth, he grows through love, transcends the ego, meets the truth, and arrives at Perfection. Then he returns from this spiritual journey as one who has reached maturity and completion, able to love and serve the whole of creation and all creatures without discriminating in regard to belief, class, or race.
The program will be carried out in two parts. Firstly, samples from Turkish Sufi Music will be performed. In the second part, after a short lecture about Rumi and Sufism, a Sema ceremony will be performed along with Whirling Dervishes.
Date and time: 14 October at 7pm
Tickets: Free event – Reserve your seat at Oztix
Venue: Llewellyn Hall, 100 William Herbert Place
The Australian National University