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Call for Papers

Published 27 May 2014

Exploring the Latin America-Asia Pacific Nexus

10-11 September 2014

The 2014 Latin American and the Shifting Sands of Global Power Conference held by the Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies (ANCLAS) at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. The conference will explore the extent and nature of the Latin America-Asia Pacific nexus, focusing on the areas of economics, international relations and corruption and governance.

Latin America and the Asia-Pacific have rediscovered each other. In the wake of the global financial crisis, both regions have thrived while traditional economic centres have struggled. This has created a shift in focus, with Latin American businesses and policy makers looking beyond China to include other countries in the Asia-Pacific and vice versa. This growing mutual awareness is reflected in trade, investment and tourism, leading to an enhanced sense of trans-Pacific opportunities.

Proposals are invited for individual papers or panels of three to five papers that fit within the three conference themes of economics, international relations and corruption/governance outlined below. Authors should submit a title, abstract, institutional affiliation and contact details to by 1 July 2014. A selection of conference papers will be published in peer-reviewed journal special issues. Papers to be presented at the conference will be due by 1 September 2014 and should be fully referenced and no longer than 8,000 words.


Papers in this section will explore the evolving nature of the pan-Pacific economic relationship, from the perspective of trade and investment, international economic coordination, mutual learning and experimentation with economic policy.

Although there has been a great deal of discussion about the rise of China as both a market for Latin American raw materials and a source of foreign direct investment in the Americas, the story is more complex. Trade and investment levels between other countries in the Asia-Pacific and Latin America have quietly increased and a number of the multilatinas are establishing themselves as important players in the Western Pacific. Paralleling this has been a return to research on the developmental state and the impact that government policy can have on domestic growth and international economic presence.

Section convener: Associate Professor John Minns (

International Relations

Papers in this section will explore the nature of foreign relations across the Pacific divide as well as questions relating to the challenges and opportunities of forging bilateral and bi-regional relations.

Geography has simultaneously limited the depth of links and prevented conflict between countries on either side of the Pacific Ocean. Nevertheless, there is a pattern of issue-specific consultation and collaboration between countries from both regions, often within multilateral governance institutions such as the United Nations system and the World Trade Organization. There is a growing sense on both sides of the Ocean that there is potential for enhanced cooperation and collaboration. The question is in which policy areas, when and how?

Section convener: Dr Sean Burges (

Governance and Corruption

Papers in this section will explore the enduring cross-region struggles to improve governance and citizen security. How has decentralization impacted upon these challenges? What are the economic consequences of corruption and insecurity? Do political parties still control the law and justice? What do citizens want the government ‘to do’ about crime and corruption?

Following the end of authoritarian rule, providing citizens with security and confronting government corruption have emerged as two of the most serious challenges facing Latin American and Asia Pacific democracies. From decentralization to public sector reforms, or participatory budgeting, various experiments have been undertaken across the two regions. After previous periods of one-party and military rule, the challenges to democracy of enduring corruption, nepotism, politicization and patronage remain real, embedded in both state and society.

Section convener: Dr Tracy Fenwick (

Key dates:

Deadline for submission of paper/panel proposals: 1 July 2014

Decision on accepted papers/panels: 21 July 2014

Deadline for earlybird conference registration payment: 16 August 2014

Deadline for submission of draft papers: 1 September 2014

Conference Dates: 10-11 September 2014

Conference fee:

Earlybird (16 August 2014)           Full-time employed: AUD$100

Student: AUD$20

After 16 August 2014                     Full-time employed: AUD$120

Student: AUD$20

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