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Call for Applications: AIIA Tasmania Young Professionals’ Forum

Published 19 Aug 2015

It is our pleasure to announce that we have received significant interest in the AIIA Tasmania Young Professionals’ Forum (YPF) programme and so will be moving forward with its establishment.

The next step in this venture is to form the YPF Committee. Currently, this requires the filling of two executive positions: Secretary and Events Coordinator. Applications for these positions are now open and, as early supporters of this venture, we encourage you to put your name forward; position descriptions and details of how to apply are below. Please note that all YPF positions are voluntary and therefore, although we would like to, we cannot offer any remuneration for your time.

Whilst there are only two executive positions open at this time, we are also looking for further volunteers to assist the Committee in running its programme. If you are interested in this less time-consuming role, please let us know.

Above all, we are searching for enthusiastic and dedicated people with a demonstrated interest in international affairs and skills in leadership, communication, and technological proficiency.

At this stage, we would also like to arrange a group meeting with anyone interested in these executive positions, or the YPF more broadly. Please contact us stating your preference out of the following four time-slots: Thursday 20th August 11am; Thursday 20th August 2pm; Friday 21st August 11am; Friday 21st August 2pm.

Position Descriptions


Required Commitment: 5-10 hours/week (approx.)

The YPF Secretary will be responsible for communicating with members, the Committee, and stakeholders. This includes communication via email, social media and face-to-face. The Secretary will be tasked with minute-taking at Committee meetings, following up agenda items and decisions, assisting the President and Vice President in managing YPF business, alongside being the first point of call for all general enquiries. The Secretary will also be responsible for managing expenses and income, which is dependent on the Council treasury. For these reasons, the Secretary is accountable to the Committee President and the Council Treasurer.

Events Coordinator:

Required Commitment: 5-10 hours/week (approx.)

The YPF Events Coordinator will be responsible for initiating, managing, promoting and seeing through all aspects of YPF events. The Events Coordinator will work closely with the Committee as well as engage with, and organise the itineraries of, prospective guests. In promoting events, the Events Coordinator will liaise with partner organisations and networks, and utilise online tools (social media, website, email etc.) to widely disseminate YPF events.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Please note that to be eligible for volunteer positions with YPF you must 35 years of age or under and be a member of AIIA Tasmania. If you are not yet a member, please see our website

How to Apply

To apply for the positions of Secretary and/or Events Officer, please email your CV/resume and the following information to tas.ypf@

  1. The position you are applying for (if you are applying for both Secretary and Events Coordinator, please nominate your preference); and
  2. In 200 words or less, outline your qualifications against the relevant position description; and
  3. In 200 words or less, outline your interest in international affairs and why you think it is important for the younger generations.