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Australian Journal of International Affairs Boyer Prize 2014

Published 10 Feb 2015

The AIIA congratulates Amy Nethery of Deakin University and Carly Gordyn of the ANU for winning the 2014 Boyer Prize.

Their paper, ‘Australia-Indonesia cooperation on asylum-seekers: a case of ‘incentivised policy transfer‘’, published in Volume 68, Issue 2, 2014, was judged to be original and innovative and likely to have a lasting impact.

The Boyer Prize was launched by the Australian Institute of International Affairs in 2012 to recognise the best article published each year in the Australian Journal of International Affairs (AJIA). The AJIA is edited by Professor Nick Bisley, Professor of International Relations at La Trobe University. The journal publishes high quality scholarly research on international relations of the Asia-Pacific, globalisation and the diplomacy of great powers. The journal is published five times a year by Routledge Taylor and Francis.

An abbreviated version of the article was published on Australian Outlook: Explaining Australian and Indonesian Cooperation on Asylum Policy

The full journal article can be found here.