Australian Outlook

A Syrian Solution

18 Apr 2017
Interview with Professor Shafeeq Ghabra

The Syrian government’s latest chemical weapons attack on civilians is a reminder of the regime’s brutal contribution to the Middle East’s ongoing disorder. President Bashar al-Assad’s decisions have been blamed for stoking the creation of Islamic State and his removal is seen by many as the only solution.

Professor Shafeeq Ghabra from the University of Kuwait spoke with Flavia Bellieni Zimmerman of AIIA for WA about recent developments in Syria, the aspirations of the Syrian people, and the prospect of Bashar al-Assad being removed from power. The conversation ended on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, which Ghabra argues is now a situation of apartheid.

Shafeeq Ghabra is a professor of political science at Kuwait University. He was founding president of the American University of Kuwait (2003-2006).

Interviewed by Flavia Bellieni Zimmermann. Video & Editing by Nancye Miles-Tweedie.