Australian Capital Territory

In this section


ACT Branch Membership

AIIA membership enables you to be kept abreast of international affairs, through a range of presentations of current events and thematic topics that are of global, regional and especially Australian interest.

The ACT Branch runs a speakers’ program that numbers in excess of 20 presentations annually. Our speakers include Ministers and other senior members of Government, senior members of the Opposition, senior public servants, and members of academia, business and the diplomatic corps.

AIIA ACT Branch Membership is open to those of all nationalities. Many of our members are part of the diplomatic corps currently stationed in Canberra. The Branch meetings provide an opportunity for those from outside Australia to keep up to date with current international trends and events while learning more about Australia’s international perspective and foreign policy.

If you have an enquiry about membership please contact the branch at act.branch@

General Benefits

  • 12 month membership starting from the month you join.
  • Free attendance to all Branch events.
  • Reciprocal benefits with other state Branches and nominated international organizations.
  • Subscription to The Australian Journal of International Affairs, the foremost Australian journal on international issues (four editions a year).
  • Updates on Branch and National activities through the Branch monthly newsletter.
  • Access to the Casey library, located in the AIIA National Office at Stephen House.

Membership fees effective September 2019:

Membership for one individual or diplomatic representative. $130

Individual and spouse/partner membership. $150

Membership for an individual over 60 yrs and not in full time employment. $90

Senior Family
Membership for an individual and spouse/partner who are over 60 yrs and not in full time employment. $120

Student – no AJIA
Individual full time student.  Does not include Australian Journal of International Affairs. $25

Student – with AJIA
Individual full time student. Includes Australian Journal of International Affairs. $50

Membership for Corporate entities such as government departments, business, diplomatic missions, etc. Entitles membership for up to five nominated representatives to attend an event. Should any of the nominated representatives be unable to attend an event, other staff members may take their place. $300


Pay online via the ACT Branch Membership Form on TidyHQ (recommended) or use the Membership Form ACT Branch 2019.