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Australian Journal of International Affairs

Published 13 Jul 2017

The Australian Journal of International Affairs is the country’s leading scholarly journal in the field of international relations and foreign policy. Edited by Dr Sara Davies and Professor Ian Hall, Professors at the Centre for Governance and Public Policy, School of Government and International Relations, Griffith University, it has an impact factor of 0.859 and publishes scholarly research on international political, social, economic and legal issues, especially (but not exclusively) within the Asia-Pacific region. The AJIA also accepts commentary and opinion, and is published five times a year by Routledge Taylor and Francis.

For content listings, abstracts, full-text articles and information for contributors, see the AJIA homepage or view the latest issue.

Membership of the AIIA includes access to the AJIA, including archives going back to 1947. Members need to log in and click on the ‘AJIA Access’ link in their account.

For direct AJIA subscriptions see the subscriptions page at Taylor & Francis.