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AIIA National Publication Support Grant - Call For Expressions Of Interest

Published 09 Sep 2014
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons (Basking Ridge Historical Society)

The Research Committee of the Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) is calling for expressions of interest for a publication support grant.

The grant of $7,500 will be made to facilitate the publication of an original and high quality book on a contemporary topic of major relevance to Australian foreign policy, incorporating some transnational or comparative perspectives.

The recipient of the inaugurated 2012-2013 grant was  Australian Foreign Policy: Debates and Controversies edited by Dr Daniel Baldino, Dr Andrew Carr and Dr Anthony Langlois, and published by Oxford University Press.

Funds can be utilised as a publishing subvention or spent to defray the cost of hosting a workshop for contributors to an edited volume, or on research assistance. The AIIA can also make in-kind contributions such as hosting the workshop at one of its state branches or at its National Office in Canberra and/or helping with the preparation of the publication manuscript.

This project aims to raise the AIIA’s profile as a knowledge broker and supporter of debate on foreign policy and as such, the AIIA is to be clearly prominent on the back cover of the book. The book will include a short foreword by the Research Chair.

The AIIA is keen that in addition to a book publication, there will be some dissemination of the book’s findings to AIIA members and the general public. This may take the form of a book launch event, a lecture or a speech delivered by an international contributor at a local AIIA branch.

Expressions of interest should include:

  • Draft book proposal and intended publisher.
  • Draft budget.
  • Plan for dissemination of findings to AIIA members and the general public.
  • Curriculum Vitae of applicant(s).

Applicants should submit expressions of interest to AIIA National Office on ceo@

Preference will be given to proposals which have already received attention from potential publishers. Membership of the AIIA will be highly regarded.

Expressions of interest are due on Sunday 21 October 2014. In the event that the grant is not awarded in this round, a second round will be held with a closing date in January 2015. The AIIA reserves the right not to award any grant, give smaller grants or to extend the date if needed.

Submissions will be judged by the AIIA’s Research Committee. Those wishing to discuss their proposal before submission should contact Associate Professor Shirley Scott, Chair of the AIIA Research Committee, on (02) 93851630 or


The AIIA is supported by the Commonwealth through DFAT’s International Relations Grants Program.
