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Autumn Editorial

Published 21 Mar 2016

This issue of Quarterly Access introduces a sleek new style to the magazine, but we haven’t let that distract us from publishing some great pieces of international analysis.

Jacqueline Fetchet offers a reflection on the historic Paris Agreement. In November of last year, the world met to discuss a long-term plan to combat climate change. Jacqueline asks the questions, what did we get and was it enough?

Sophie Gulliver then contemplates whether the so-called ‘Pink Tide’ of left-leaning Latin American governments is on its way out. While leftist governments swept to power in Venezuela, Brazil Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Peru, recent approval ratings show a sharp decline in their popular support.

Dominic Williams provides an in-depth discussion of the Iranian political system and the concept of wilayat al-faqih. The Iranian elections held in March have heralded a small victory for the reformist camp in Iran. Dominic poses and considers the question of what changes this election may bring to Iran’s foreign policies.

Julien Rosendahl discusses the mounting tensions at the South Pole. Antarctica has not escaped China’s recent outward focus. Julian analyses what this means for Australia’s interests down south.

Finally, Jack Greig explores the challenges facing Thailand in its effort to continue growing its Middle Class. With eight years of tumultuous politics under its belt, Thailand’s growth has ground to a halt. Jack asks whether progress can be saved by institutional reform.

Many thanks to the contributing authors and dedicated editorial team. Our next submission date is the 6th of June and we look forward to reviewing many more great articles then.

Happy reading!

Hector Sharp, Editor-In-Chief