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Dancing with the Bear: Trump and Russia

22 Feb 2017
Interview with Dr John Besemeres
Interview with Dr John Besemeres Photo Credit: AIIA (YouTube Screenshot)

Trump’s campaign and presidency have been dogged by allegations of Russian collusion; the departure of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is one such treasonous scandal. If genuine alignment is possible, what would Russo-American foreign policy resemble?

While theories abound regarding the Trump administration’s relationship with Russia, Putin’s potential endgame is not often discussed. By thawing relations with the US, Putin may be able to inflate his sphere of influence to encompass the former Soviet states and quell Ukraine’s Western curiosity. The US president’s ostensible distain for the EU, NATO and the UN could allow Putin to establish a modern Yalta agreement and legitimise his position in Eastern Europe.

Dr John Besemeres, an expert in Russian and Eastern European affairs, sat down with Neal Reddan of the AIIA’s National Office to discuss Trump’s unpredictable nature, his close ties with Russia, the potential for a new Yalta Agreement and Putin’s KGB state.

Dr John Besemeres is a visiting fellow at the Australian National University’s Centre for European Studies and author of the recently published book, A Difficult Neighbourhood.

Interviewed by Neal Reddan

Filmed by Susan Kim on 2 February 2017